Thank you for listening to my interview in the Health Mastery for Leaders Summit!
I hope you enjoyed it and feel more inspired and empowered to choose to live a life of love! I hope you really take this practice with you and embark on a journey that (for me) is nothing short of life changing. As part of the summit, I have also created a 5 day challenge to get you more into the habit of choosing from a place of love and stepping into a life of love.
The challenge is a series of daily practices that will help you really make this a way of life. Allowing you to not only live your own fullest expression, but to show up for others in a way that inspires them to live theirs.
I would love to hear from you what you thought of both the interview, and also what insights you may gain from the challenge. Please feel free to e-mail me at keira.byrnes88@gmail.com or to tag me on Instagram or Facebook @synergyandfreedom
Much love to you!