About Me

My gorgeous Fox Hill at Adelaide 4**** 2014

My gorgeous Fox Hill at Adelaide 4**** 2014


How to live a paradox:

I always think my life is a bit of a paradox. I have competed in elite level eventing, and am fiercely competitive but also believe in loving the horse first and the sport second. I am fascinated and informed by equitation science, but also believe in horses being spiritual teachers. I am a riding coach who aims to make myself obsolete (and will often open a coaching relationship with that proclamation). I am a human chiropractor with a Masters of Research and two papers published in peer-reviewed journals who also adores reiki and spirituality. I have spent most of my life a self proclaimed wimp (one of my favourite quotes comes from Mark Twain “The human race is a race of cowards, and I not only march in that procession, but carry a banner”) but I have created a life by going after the very things that scare me the most. I am an introvert by nature (I’d honestly be a hermit if I could) but I love working with people and finding deep connection in relationships. I was “forced” kicking and screaming to a psychologist’s office but now want more than anything to look at the emotional component to our struggles. I love writing but I never feel like I am very good with words.

A brief History of me

I began riding at age 9, got my first pony at age 12 and began eventing at age 13. I proved that you can get a long way on an attitude of “watch me” and “make me”. I loved to prove the naysayers wrong. I took my magnificent off-the-track gelding Fox Hill from pony club to 5***** level eventing - completing the Australian International 3Day for four consecutive years, placing twice. After finishing school I worked as a groom for over a decade in various professional horse yards from eventing, to dressage, to showjumping, to polo, to racing, to pleasure, to breakers… you name it.

I became a riding coach in 2006 (though really I started coaching back in pony club) and have taught people from beginners to FEI level eventers. I have competed also up to grand prix level showjumping and medium level dressage, as well as training a myriad of horses to varying levels and in various disciplines.

I qualified as a human chiropractor with a Bachelors and Masters from Macquarie University in 2016 - having managed to keep a full team of horses in work and a full-time job throughout my uni career. I published a scientific paper in a peer-reviewed journal, then decided that wasn’t enough so co-authored another, then went back to do a Masters of Research which I completed in early 2019.

Coinciding with the latter part of my chiropractic degree was something of a personal “rock bottom”. My life fell apart, I fell apart, and I faced my biggest demons; not cross country fences, but myself. There was a quote I found at the time which said “strong is what happens when you run out of weak”, for me though peace and love were what happened when I ran out of fear.

Coming back from this time, I dropped a lot of my cynicism and pseudo-self, and discovered the world of reiki and spirituality. I would love to say it changed my life, but really it saved my life. I found joy in deep human connection, and discovered a whole new way to work with and appreciate the horses that I had centred my life around.

More recently I have rediscovered my love of writing and poetry, and am endeavouring to take the experiences of my life and offer them to others so that they can grow and expand into their fullest expression.

I’m not done growing yet, and won’t be for so long as I live, but I can’t wait to see what the future holds, and I adore watching those around me grow and expand too.