
You love your horse. You want them to have the best life possible. You want to know that they feel good - physically, mentally and emotionally. You want to do the right thing by them, knowing that as a domesticated animal, their wellbeing is reliant solely on you.

You also know that they are a whole being. They are not simply a collection of moving parts. They have their own likes and dislikes, their own personality. You know that what your horse needs is not exactly the same as what their neighbour needs.

You want a plan. A way of improving their wellbeing that actually gives results, but where you understand the road forward and your role in it. You want to know this isn’t just a 5 minute fix, followed by 5 years of question marks.


You love your horse, and you love when they are at the top of their game. When they feel so good in themselves, and the results reflect that. You know that when they do well, they feel well, and vice the versa. You know that the details are what matter. It’s that 1% that really makes the difference at the end of the day. That little bit more endurance, or energy, or relaxation. They can’t afford to have a niggle or to fatigue too early.

You want strategy. You want to know how to get your horse feeling their best, and how to keep them there. You want to not only solve those issues you may be having, but to progress from that into optimising performance - now and in the future. You want a long and successful career for your equine team mate. You want consistency and longevity in your results.


*Specialised Barefoot Trimming

I am now also offering specialised barefoot trimming to a limited number of horses. These trims are based on years of training and practice (not just a weekend course!) and are tailored to the specific horse including their current hoof shape and quality, but also to their posture, work and their body as a whole.

Barefoot Trimming

Private sessions

Private sessions provide you with clarity, holistic solutions, and a way forward from wherever you are.

These sessions go into where you are, how you got there, and where you want to be. We investigate all current roadblocks, whether those are physical, mental, or emotional, and look at ways for you to overcome those roadblocks. They include intensive assessment of your horse’s body, gear, lifestyle, training and any other factors. They are also geared towards getting you the results you are looking for, not my own agenda.

There is nothing worse than being stuck in the same old pattern, or falling into the same old hole repeatedly. There is also nothing worse than being stuck on the same plateau with virtually no improvement. There is nothing worse than having problems crop up and no idea why.

Sessions can include not only the assessment, but also multi-modal body work, training assistance and lifestyle consulting.

Private sessions can be both in person or remote, so while I work primarily in the Sunshine Coast and Brisbane surrounds in QLD (with roughly monthly or bimonthly trips to NSW), please get in touch even if you are further afield (or have a look at my remote session options)! There is always a solution.

For those who want something more regular, I have the option of a regular monthly subscription and therefore regular monthly sessions at a discounted rate - see below.

To book a private session in SEQ or remotely, choose an option below or to find out if I’m the right person for you, text Keira on 0421 313 863.

Tailored programmes

These programmes aim to improve equine wellbeing and equine performance. They are tailored to the individual horse, and address all aspects; physical, mental and emotional. The scope of what these programmes can address is as varied as the types of horses that we come across. Some of the common aims include;

  • Injury rehabilitation - from box rest and bandage changes, to conditioning for full competition or racing, returning to full functioning requires more than just the healing of skin, but a re-calibration of the whole body and mind. This approach also aims to prevent future injury by removing or mitigating the predisposing factors that brought on the injury initially.

  • Behavioural problem solving - sometimes it’s hard to know why the horse is behaving the way it does. All you know is that you can’t continue the way you are going. Are they sore? Are they confused? Are they naughty? Are they just not suited to this type of work? There is a saying, that “horses do well when they can”. These programmes can identify and work on those factors that bring up behavioural issues, and work to get the horse working more harmoniously, joyfully and generously.

  • The mystery ailment - those niggles that seem to come from nowhere, are barely tangible, and yet get in the way of your horse doing all those things they could otherwise be doing. So often we take the horse to a vet, only to be told that it’s clinically sound, or that they wouldn’t know where to start imaging. The farrier says it’s not their feet. Other professionals give their guesses, and some don’t even see it. You end up with a list of possibilities, no answers, and no path forward. These programmes, by their holistic nature, allow us to weed out those niggles so that we can actually address them and move forward.

  • Optimising performance - your horse is healthy, sound and happy, but you know that winning comes down to that last 1%. You know that achieving your goals requires a horse that can not only perform, but can do so consistently over time. These programmes can give you that edge. By looking at the details and strengthening those ‘chinks in the armour’, you can find that extra bit of speed, scope, focus, endurance, whatever it is that will get you across the line ahead of the competition. Measurable outcomes and strategic plans that focus on the minute details of performance.

Private Session

Done-with-you programme

The done-with-you programme puts you in control. We start with a private session - we discuss where your horse is now, and where you want them to be. We address the whole horse - with a thorough history and physical exam - and from there we design a tailored plan specific to your horse and your goals. You are given clear steps to take, and a roadmap that will take you not only to your desired outcome, but through the ways to maintain and improve beyond the programme itself.

You are supported throughout the journey, but you get to do it yourself. You are driving the car, we simply give you the map.

This service is currently available. To book a call and find out whether it’s a good fit for you, please text Keira on 0421 313 863.

*Please note, this work can be done in person or remotely - ask us about the available options on your discovery call.


Done-for-you programme

The done-for-you programme is a boutique, in-house programme designed specifically for your horse and according to you your desired outcomes. It all starts with the same private session, and the same level of planning, but in this case, we take care of everything. This programme is all inclusive. Your agistment, the 12 sessions per week for your horse, the weekly video updates of your horse’s progress, co-ordinating with vets (if required). All of it. You are kept fully informed, but we do all the hard work. You have the peace of mind, knowing that every aspect of your horse’s care is being managed. You get to see the difference, and when your horse is ready to come home, you get the blueprint to keep moving in that same positive direction.

This service is currently wait-listed. To be put on the waitlist, please text Keira on 0421 313 863

Book A Call - Text keira on 0421 313 863

To learn whether our programmes are the right fit for your horse!