Remote Rehab Consultations

The remote rehabilitation consultations are designed for you to be able to improve your horse’s posture, movement, performance and healing on your own.

The way it works is that you collect and send through the information I need to get a clear picture of what you want to get out of the programme and where your horse is at currently. The intake form with these requirements is below or you can email me at and I can send you the form that way.

Between receiving this information and our consult I will study what you have sent and complete a work up of where you and your horse are at, and design possible programmes to get you to where you want.

Our consult then is a clarification session. We spend an hour together discussing what I have found, my suggestions for how the programme can work, and nail down what is most suitable for you - your schedule, resources and preferences.

Following the consult I send you your programme. This programme will include exercises, stretches and activities you can do with your horse over the next month. Each of these has a written, photo and video explanation as a “how to”.

These consults are $200 which includes all of the above. At the end of the month we can do a follow up/continuation consultation where we either assess where you and your horse are at and/or design another month’s programme. These follow up consultations are $100 for the follow up option, and continuation consults are $150.

Remote Rehabilitation Programmme