Art Of The Horseman Bonuses!
Thanks so much for watching one or both of my presentations at the Art Of The Horseman Online Fair!
I really appreciate you taking that time, even more that you took the time to come over here and I would love it EVEN more if you would like to get in touch and give me any feedback you might have!
Below is a whole lot of resources especially for those who watched the presentations:
There is free access to a few of my usually paid masterclasses
There are those extra resources in terms of improving your horse’s posture and performance as mentioned in the Equine Body Balance presentation
There are some recordings of other presentations I’ve delivered over the years, including “Choosing to Live a Life of Love” from the Health Mastery for Leaders Summit, and “Managing Fear” from a presentation I did for Galston Equestrian Club a number of years ago.
AND I’m giving you 20% off my upcoming four week Equine Body Balance Programme if you really want to dive into improving your horse’s posture, movement and performance!
AND because you came all the way over here I want to offer you a FREE half hour coaching call where we can dive into your mindset, connection with your horse, yours or your horse’s body and biomechanics, training… whatever you like!
To access these offers, click below to get in touch and we’ll get you hooked up!
Free Masterclasses
How To create a quiet horse - usually $75
float loading masterclass - usually $75
extra resources - equine body balance presentation
assessing posture and movement:
improving body awareness
improving spinal mobility and core stability
designed for kissing spine but valuable for All horses looking to improve core stability and spinal mobility
extended videos from the presentation
improving the sacro-iliac joint - masterson method technique
basic ttouch technique
Past PResentations:
“Choosing to Live a Life of Love” - my segment from the Health Mastery for Leaders Summit